Keep up to date and have your say on local Environmental and Sustainability Projects and Events
If you would like to have your say about issues concerning clean energy for Nillumbik (or anything else), you are able to message the Council via the 'Participate Nillumbik' page. This page allows you to comment, share ideas and give feedback on any issue or project that is important to you and your community.
If you wish to receive Council updates regarding environmental and sustainability news, you can receive their e-newsletter (formerly called Fringe Focus) by registering on the following Council website link.
Register for Council e-Newsletter
If you would like to know more about current Council plans, projects and reports regarding environmental and sustainability issues, you are able to view these on the following Council link.
Council Plans, Projects and Reports
CEN would like to encourage all Nillumbik residents to become involved in helping make our shire a Clean and Green place for us and our descendants to enjoy.